Running Raspbian in a Virtual Machine
Raspbian is the most common operating system used on Raspberry Pi single-board computers. It’s simple and comes with some cool toys preinstalled readily available for installation, such as Geany, Node-Red, and Scratch. The large use base behind the OS encouraged the development of an x86 version. This means any regular desktop or laptop PC can run Raspberry, and users can take it for a test drive without loading or even owning a Raspberry Pi. Whether you’re new to Raspbian and want to play around with Linux, or an experienced programmer looking to test scripts before deploying them on a $35 Raspberry Pi, running Raspbian in a virtual machine is a great alternative to installing it on a full desktop. For those who have never used them before, virtual machines allow you to run a virtual computer within your computer, allowing you to run an operating system inside the one you’re currently using. Scroll past the instructions to follow along with the video o...